

Why do we use ionic vs other hybrid platforms?

April 10, 2024
5 minutes read
By DI Solutions
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What is Ionic ?

Ionic is an open-source framework for creating hybrid mobile and web applications that use web technologies like HTML, CSS, and Javascript. It is based on popular web development frameworks such as Angular and provides a set of pre-built UI components and tools for creating native-looking mobile and web applications.

It enables developers to create once and run anywhere. Drifty Co.’s Max Lynch, Ben Sperry, and Adam Bradley created it in 2013. The first beta version of the Ionic Framework was released in March 2014.

Under the hood, Ionic makes use of Apache Cordova (previously known as PhoneGap) to access native device features such as the camera, GPS, and accelerometer. This enables Ionic applications to be distributed as native apps via app stores while still being built with web technologies.

What is Ionic used For ?

Using well-known web libraries, frameworks, and languages, Ionic offers a collection of tools for developing native iOS and Android applications as well as mobile-ready Progressive Web Apps. Hire Dedicated Ionic Developers From DI Solutions for your next project success.

Ionic offers a variety of pre-built UI components and themes to assist developers in creating beautiful and intuitive interfaces for their mobile applications. It also includes features such as native device access, pre-built integrations with popular backend services, and live updates, making it simple to create and deploy high-quality mobile apps.

The following are some of the key features and benefits of using Ionic:

  • Cross Platform compatibility:

Ionic allows developers to create applications that can run on multiple platforms using a single codebase, saving time and effort.

  • Simple to learn:

Because Ionic is built with web technologies, developers familiar with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can quickly get started with the framework.

  • Large and active community:

Because the Ionic community is large and active, developers can get help and support from a variety of resources, including documentation, forums, and tutorials.

  • High-performance:

Ionic is designed with performance in mind, employing cutting-edge web technologies to deliver fast and responsive user interfaces.

  • Built-in support for popular frameworks:

Ionic integrates with popular frameworks such as Angular, React, and Vue.js, making it simple to build complex applications with these frameworks.

Overall, Ionic is a versatile framework that offers developers a robust set of tools and features for creating high-quality, cross-platform mobile applications.

What exactly is Ionic ?

Ionic is intended to work with a wide range of front-end frameworks, including Angular, React, and Vue. It includes a variety of mobile-optimized UI components such as buttons, forms, lists, tabs, and more. It also includes a command-line interface (CLI), a live-reload server, and a cloud-based build service for developing and testing mobile applications.

One of the key benefits of Ionic is that it allows developers to build mobile applications using web technologies, which means they can use their existing web development skills to quickly and easily create mobile applications. Ionic also includes a number of features to assist developers in optimizing the performance of their mobile applications, such as lazy loading, caching, and offline support.

Which is better: flutter or Ionic ?

It is natural to consider popularity when comparing Flutter vs Ionic because we always want to use the most recent and trending software and development applications. In their own right, Flutter and Ionic are both popular among developers.

  • Architecture

The appropriate architecture for the project not only simplifies the overall development process but also allows for support and future updates.

Flutter has a layered hierarchical architecture. The platform-specific widgets are the top-level root of the functionality. The platform layers communicate by rendering layers. Scaffold, which heavily relies on C and C++ engines, transfers API calls to the foundation. The Flutter BLoc architecture includes a presentation layer and a business logic layer.

Ionic employs an Angular JS MVC Model View controller. Multiple developers can work on the same app at the same time, reducing time to market. Multiple views can be easily created, and repeated iterations have no effect on the application’s performance.

  • Performance

When it comes to complex application performance, Flutter outperforms Ionic. When the application changes, the Skia graphic library redraws the user interface. According to performance tests, the Hello World app rendered frames in just 16 ms and peaked at 60 FPS.

The interaction with the Ionic framework takes 1.8 seconds.

The most recent version is twice as quick as the previous one.

It excels at pre-rendering, hardware-accelerated changes, and touch-optimized gestures despite being a non-native framework.

In terms of speed, Flutter outperforms Ionic because it is not web-based.

  • Application Size

Developers are constantly striving to create applications that are tightly packed and perform better.

The 7.5 MB Flutter Hello World app includes the Dart virtual machine and the C/C++ engine.

With v5, the Ionic Hello World app is only 3.2MB. Previous versions generated apps that were 5-6 MB in size.

  • Learning Curve of Developers

You can use any framework effectively to bring the product to market faster if the developers do not have a steep learning curve.

Before using the framework, Flutter developers must first learn Dart. Learning Dart, on the other hand, is not difficult for those who have experience developing native iOS or Android apps. Flutter’s detailed documentation enables developers to learn quickly.

Developers who are familiar with Angular can begin developing apps with Ionic right away. Because Ionic requires JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, developers can get started quickly.

Flutter is ideal for complex projects with limited resources. Developers who are familiar with Dart can quickly launch products with customized UI widgets and automated testing. Flutter is ideal for developing a Minimum Value Product (MVP).

Ionic lowers development costs for simple and efficient apps. It offers the best native-like experience through the use of web-based technologies.

Is Ionic full stack ?

Both Ionic and Angular are popular frameworks for creating web and mobile applications. They do, however, serve different functions and have some fundamental differences.

Ionic is a user interface framework built on top of Angular. It includes a library of pre-built UI components as well as tools for creating hybrid mobile applications. Ionic was built to work with Angular, but it can also be used with other frameworks such as React or Vue.

Angular, on the other hand, is a complete web application framework. It includes a comprehensive set of tools and features for developing complex applications for desktop and mobile devices. Angular is a stand-alone framework that does not require the use of any other framework.

What is the difference between Ionic and Angular ?

Both Ionic and Angular are popular frameworks for creating web and mobile applications. They do, however, serve different functions and have some fundamental differences.

Ionic is a user interface framework built on top of Angular. It includes a library of pre-built UI components as well as tools for creating hybrid mobile applications. Ionic was built to work with Angular, but it can also be used with other frameworks such as React or Vue.

Angular, on the other hand, is a complete web application framework. It includes a comprehensive set of tools and features for developing complex applications for desktop and mobile devices. Angular is a stand-alone framework that does not require the use of any other framework.

The following are some key distinctions between Ionic and Angular:
  • Purpose

Ionic is primarily used to create mobile applications, whereas Angular is used to create web applications.

  • UI Components

Ionic provides a set of pre-built mobile-optimized UI components, whereas Angular provides basic UI components that can be customized and extended as needed.

  • Architecture

Although Ionic is built on top of Angular, it has its own architecture for developing mobile applications. Angular, on the other hand, offers a full architecture for developing web applications.

  • Performance

Ionic is mobile-optimized and delivers fast performance on iOS and Android platforms. Angular performs well on both desktop and mobile devices, but it may not be specifically optimized for mobile devices.

In conclusion, Ionic and Angular are both powerful frameworks for developing web and mobile applications. Ionic, on the other hand, is primarily focused on developing mobile applications, whereas Angular offers a comprehensive set of tools for developing complex web applications.
