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React Redux: A Complete Guide to Beginners

March 11, 2024
5 minutes read
By DI Solutions
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Redux works with both React

Redux works with both React and any other view framework. In this section, we'll discuss Redux and React, when to use them, and their components.

React is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It lets you create complex UIs from small, reusable pieces of code called “components.”

Redux is a reliable state management library for JavaScript applications. It helps you design programs that are easy to test and work consistently across client, server, and native platforms.

Redux works with both React and other view frameworks. In this section, we'll discuss Redux and React, when to use them, and their components.

1. What is Redux?


At its core, Redux is a library for managing application state. It provides a centralized store that holds the entire state of an application, which can be accessed and modified through actions and reducers.

Redux was inspired by Flux, another state management library, and was created by Dan Abramov and Andrew Clark in 2015. Since then, it has become one of the most popular state management libraries for JavaScript applications. If you're looking to build efficient and scalable applications, you might want to hire reactjs developers who are experienced with Redux.

Principles Of Redux

Here are three fundamental principles:

1. Single source of truth:

An object/state tree within a single store contains the state of the whole application. The single state tree makes it simpler to debug or examine the program and keep track of changes over time. Persisting on the status of the application during development aids in a quicker development cycle.

2. The state is read-only:

The application's state is read-only in Redux. The only method to alter the state is to dispatch an action, which is a simple JavaScript object that explains the necessary change. This operation is then performed by the reducer function, which produces a new state object that is a duplicate of the previous state object with the necessary modifications made.

3. Changes are made with pure functions:

Redux reducers are pure functions, thus they don’t alter the initial state object in any way. They instead make a fresh duplicate of the state object and make the necessary adjustments to it. This makes sure that the application’s state is unchanging and predictable, which makes it simpler to analyze and debug.

2. Advantages of React Redux

Using React Redux has various advantages:

1. Simplified state management:

By connecting your React components to the Redux store, React Redux can simplify the process of handling state changes in a large application.

2. Improved performance:

By using the useSelector hook, React Redux can help reduce the number of re-renders and improve the performance of the application.

3. Predictable state changes:

Because there is always one source of truth, namely the store, there is no misunderstanding about how to sync the current state with actions and other portions of the application.

4. Easy debugging:

Redux's developer tools make it easy to debug and track state changes, which can save developers a lot of time and effort in the long run.

5. Scalability:

As applications grow in size and complexity, it becomes increasingly difficult to manage the state. React Redux provides a scalable solution for managing a state that can grow with the application.

6. Organization:

Redux is quite specific about the structure that the code should take, which makes it easier for a team to work with and more unified.

3. Why use React Redux?

When building a small application, it’s common to have certain components declare and utilize their own state. Additionally, a component can in some circumstances choose to share the state with its immediate children.

We just need to declare states locally within a component to manage these circumstances, and if necessary, we may transmit the state to its children in the form of props.

However, as your application expands, you could find yourself needing to transfer state to a child that is a few levels lower in the hierarchy. Additionally, you might also need to use a common state between sibling components. This is where React fails to provide a solution and Redux comes into the picture.

Redux offers a “store” as a solution for this issue. You may keep all of your application states in one location called a store. Now, rather than sending state changes directly to the other components, the components may “dispatch” them to the store. The components can then “subscribe” to the store if they require updates on state changes.

Redux makes it obvious where the components obtain their state from as well as where they should deliver it. The component initiating the change can now dispatch the change to the store without worrying about the list of components in need of the state change. Redux facilitates the data flow in this way.

4. Components Of Redux

Actions are the information payloads that transmit data from your application to your store. Actions define what occurs but do not explain how the application state changes in the response. To put it another way, actions are the things we want to do. They are events and the sole mechanism for data to be sent to the store. For example, “add a number.”

They are the functions that tell how the state should change in response to each action. For instance, “Our state ought to be superior to our state right now.”

It is the one and only place where the store state of the application is present. It brings everything together. For example, “It contains the number”.

Read this >>>> React Functional Components Lifecycle Methods.


To summarize, we should utilize React with Redux since Redux addresses the state management problem. Redux provides solutions for keeping your whole application state in a single location, or central store, that is accessible to all components. This can simplify the process of handling state changes in a large application, improve performance, and make debugging easier. If you’re building complex web applications with JavaScript, Redux is definitely worth considering.
